We are for the emancipation of all people, they have the right to decide their own future; this is called freedom, or independence. It is commendable to see the enthusiasm, and commitment of Malians, expressing themselves, to proclaim the country's divorce from the colonial power, that is France, but as the French Minister of Foreign Affairs said, "at what price?" How will the Malians proceed to free themselves from France? Assimi Goita made a COUP D'ETAT; he is asked to organize elections; he says he wants to do it in 5 years; why? Do not encourage potential dictators; what is his government's program for Mali for these 5 years? You can't follow a leader who has no plan; he's going straight into a wall. Why doesn't he organize elections, allow any Malian to run for president, and announce his/her program of government towards the Malian people? The junta will therefore have to protect the elections and ensure that they are fair and transparent; in t...