
We are for the emancipation of all people, they have the right to decide their own future; this is called freedom, or independence.

It is commendable to see the enthusiasm, and commitment of Malians, expressing themselves, to proclaim the country's divorce from the colonial power, that is France, but as the French Minister of Foreign Affairs said, "at what price?" How will the Malians proceed to free themselves from France? Assimi Goita made a COUP D'ETAT; he is asked to organize elections; he says he wants to do it in 5 years; why? Do not encourage potential dictators; what is his government's program for Mali for these 5 years? You can't follow a leader who has no plan; he's going straight into a wall. Why doesn't he organize elections, allow any Malian to run for president, and announce his/her program of government towards the Malian people?

The junta will therefore have to protect the elections and ensure that they are fair and transparent; in this case, whoever is elected is the choice of the Malians because he or she has convinced them of his or her plan for Mali for the next five years. Why does the junta want to stay in power for 5 years, and for what? Did the Malians elect the junta? Assimi Goita is a putschist: you took power by force, organized the elections, and allowed everyone to run for president (don't make the mistake of General Guei Robert in 1999 in the Ivory Coast). This election will allow the Malian people to express themselves by choosing the candidate they prefer, and the junta will ensure that is done in complete transparency, impartiality, and honesty.

Now, anti-French sentiment has been stoked by populist rhetoric, and as the people of Mali yearn for freedom, they abound in it with great emotion. Know, dear Malians, that no revolution can take place without a spiritual, philosophical, and intellectual base; otherwise, it will be a disaster. History is there to serve as an example for us; the people of Mali don't get emotional. 

We have thousands of Malians living in France marching against France, so go home!

It is imperative that Africa come out of folklore if it aspires to its freedom; the junta must organize fair and transparent elections that reflect the choice of the Malian people; this is the opportunity this coup d'etat can bring to Mali; and the junta must ensure that Malian institutions are strong and respected. Let's stop this noise that will lead Mali nowhere and make Malians suffer for the selfish interests of both sides. 

You don't even have a plane, and you decide that it is forbidden to fly over your airspace. In addition, how do you pay the Wagner group? Do you believe mercenaries are there because they love you? or for your well-being? Russia has no military base around Mali; how can it logistically support a major military action? What are Mali's natural resources? Financial transfers from the diaspora constitute a large part of the financial flows to Mali. 

We are all witnesses to the current state of Libya. Be wise, dear Malians; let the junta organize free and transparent elections; otherwise, the people of Mali will soon go hungry.

As Africans, we have a duty to support and help each other, which is not the case with Mali because ECOWAS has decided to sanction the country! Today in the western media, they only talk about ECOWAS sanctions, then come those of the European Union, and then it will be the UN.

Dear Malians, if Assimi Goita is like Jerry Rawlings, alleluia, but we are in 2022 and you're dealing with France: President Emmanuel Macron currently chairs the presidency of the European Union; he is in the throes of a decline in popularity in the polls, and arousing anti-French sentiment comes at the wrong time, as they say in Abidjan, "one does not load the rifle of his enemy."

Assimi Goita!  Please organize fair and transparent elections and create a council of war to oversee and secure Malian democracy and institutions so that the voice of the people takes precedence over everything. The goal will be to restore the power of the Malians to decide on their future leaders.

"A word to the wise is enough,


Marius Oula


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