The power of God

What is God? A supreme being upon whom the human confers unlimited power, defined as omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. This is why in religion, God is seen as being beyond everything, the creator of all things, including the universe, the earth, and all that it contains. We believe in the power of God so much that we send prayers to him to solve all our difficulties and problems simply because we think God is powerful.

The question that comes to mind is, if your God is so powerful, why are you a slave, ruled, unhappy, subject to the law and the desires of others? Worse, when your oppressors have a God different from yours, what does that imply? Is their God more powerful than yours? Let us take the case of Israel. Yahweh presents himself to Moses TO DELIVER HIS PEOPLE FROM SERVITUDE: Their God reveals himself to free his people, Israel. "It is by my mighty hand that I brought you out of Egypt," the Old Testament and the Torah attest to it with the miracles perpetrated by the hand of Moses.

If your God is not able to give you freedom and you are in chains of slavery (colonization), where is your God's power?

Since 1948, the Jews have created Israel, and since then the Palestinians have been reduced to nothing. Therefore, between Allah and Yaweh, who is more powerful? When the Bible tells us that Jehovah revealed himself to Moses through the burning bush, it was not for Moses to worship him, but worshipping will come through the demonstration of his power. We did not worship a divinity who could not solve anything in our lives; for what purpose did we do so? This is called "religion," which keeps people in bonds, preventing them from thinking rationally based on logic and facts. Some will speak of faith, but "faith without works is vain"—God must be mighty, his power demonstrable and palpable, otherwise it is a fable. This is why the Old Testament tells us that Moses asked for signs, which were confirmed to him. Same with Jesus: when the disciples of John the Baptist asked him if he was the Christ, he replied, "The blind can see, the deaf can hear, etc."

Allah is great! Yes, Saudi Arabia is the world's biggest oil producer; therefore, how great is Allah for the Palestinians?

When a people enslave you, they impose a deity on you to worship because you have been defeated—the God of conquerors is the strongest; this has been demonstrated throughout the history of mankind.

People cry out all day long to pray to something that degrades them, not to a deity but first to a man (the religious leader) who cannot demonstrate the power of his God. 

A whole nation and a continent have been in bondage for centuries; where is the freedom that your God must grant you? This was the mission of Christ, who first freed people from the yoke of religious leaders who were under the yoke of colonial power; at that time, it was the Roman Empire; Israel does not observe the Roman calendar nor Saudi Arabia. Jesus' message was clear: first, liberate the people from their religious leaders as people who begin to think for themselves; no one will be able to colonize them; this is the renewal of the spirit, the freedom to think, to reason, and to decide. From there we can speak of revolution; this is the aspiration of any person aspiring to freedom: you are under Roman domination, religious people speak to you of obedience to them, it is impossible to envisage a decolonization, and the crucifixion of Christ is the image of a people under domination because the religious leaders had to first have the authorization of Pontius Pilate to kill Jesus. 

This is why the Catholic Church has been a powerful instrument in the colonization of peoples, not to submit them to the direct authority of Rome but first to religious leaders who are subject to the metropolis. Submission to a religious authority who preaches obedience to a God who cannot free you from your bondage, so how a human being who is in mental slavery, enslaved to a man, can even think of greater freedom?—this is how you build a nation of slaves. It's like a dog when you take off the leash, it will always follow its master, even find its way to the master's house; this is called conditioning. When conditioning has been done for a long time, it becomes a custom, a culture.

Anyone who will venture to free a slave will be his or her enemy because he or she is comfortable and devoid of all rationality. This is how we have been tamed for centuries.

Your oppressors cannot present and preach to you a mighty God so that you defeat them; otherwise, why did they colonize you? Subjugated you?  Enslaved you?  If it's to give you the weapons to free yourself from the bondage they have put you in—a robber does not come to your house to steal, then give you his gun, it will be his death sentence. 

Dear Africans, why must we pray to a "mighty God" who cannot free us from all bondage? Because no parent can be proud when their children are in foster care. The most dangerous slavery is mental slavery, which is perpetuated by religion and can last for centuries, as explained by Plato in "The Allegory of the Cave."

God is powerful enough to free us from all kinds of chains, but which God are we talking about? What is his or her name?


Marius C. Oula


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