Far from me is the idea of affecting the faith of others, but the duty of truth calls for all to express themselves, and in doing so, not to say empty words in order to disseminate their knowledge and beliefs but to encourage enhancement of reflection and, therefore, the awakening of consciousness. It is always necessary to remove any ambiguity in order to have a clear and limpid view of the facts. We do not argue with someone who sees a red object and then decides this object is green; at traffic lights, this character will cause accidents due to his color blindness. You might not agree on something, but intellectual honesty is all about acknowledging the facts because they don't lie, which is why history is there to serve as a benchmark. As we say so well, "the facts are stubborn," and when we bring the facts to thought, it follows the revelation of what is true. For centuries, wonderful human beings have been engaged in the search for the truth to enlighten mankind on ...