
Showing posts from April, 2023


Far from me is the idea of affecting the faith of others, but the duty of truth calls for all to express themselves, and in doing so, not to say empty words in order to disseminate their knowledge and beliefs but to encourage enhancement of reflection and, therefore, the awakening of consciousness. It is always necessary to remove any ambiguity in order to have a clear and limpid view of the facts. We do not argue with someone who sees a red object and then decides this object is green; at traffic lights, this character will cause accidents due to his color blindness. You might not agree on something, but intellectual honesty is all about acknowledging the facts because they don't lie, which is why history is there to serve as a benchmark. As we say so well, "the facts are stubborn," and when we bring the facts to thought, it follows the revelation of what is true. For centuries, wonderful human beings have been engaged in the search for the truth to enlighten mankind on

Which spiritual model to adopt?

In the history of mankind, we have had corresponding great civilizations at different ages: that of Atlantis, followed by ancient India and ancient Persia, then ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Roman civilization in which we are. Glorious civilizations have spread from Atlantis to Egypt, after which we are witnessing a gradual decline. It is the descent before the ascent, which means that humanity will reach a low point of regression before rising. In the ascension of humanity, we must ask ourselves, which spiritual model (given that the spiritual governs the material) do we not want to rebuild? As models, we have three whose influence and heritage are present today: the civilizations of ancient India, ancient Egypt, and the Roman Empire. The spiritual models of ancient India and Egypt, whose archives are present, challenge us because we have material proof of their existence and their remains. Atlantis, which was a wondrous age of gods on earth, may be utopian to som

Artificial Intelligence and conscience.

  What a revolution! Artificial Intelligence (AI) This computer can do everything, even beyond what you ask of it.   Our most intelligent of this world published on the web their amazement at the marvelous results Artificial Intelligence can produce in all fields, from science (hopefully for the vaccine against malaria) to finance (SVB has done bankruptcy), agriculture (we are in GMO mode), mining, energy, etc. Because it can have the solution to everything -- it is a question of computing what we hope for -- therefore, I have no doubt that artificial intelligence will be able to: Solve the famine in the world. By determining the right type of organic cultivation, acreage, and agricultural land while creating wealth for countries such as: Zimbabwe, which is under sanctions. - DRC, Gabon, Sudan, etc., which, despite all the wealth of their subsoil, are very poor. - In Mali and Burkina Faso, which have vast desert lands, it is therefore necessary to add the parameter of crops i

South African Entrepreneurs, jump the rope of FDI!

I still believe, and I am certain that the key to the growth of Africa's economy, is to increase intra-African trade and investment. South-South cooperation is the means by which Africa can overcome underdevelopment; we are still at 20% while Europe is at 85% in terms of intra-FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). Most of the underperformance of economic sectors in Africa, besides telecommunications and finance, is due to their reluctance to engage massively in FDI across the continent. A business development consultancy firm like ours, which specializes in trans-border investments, aims at getting companies, especially SMEs and start-ups, to jump that rope with confidence because the three main obstacles preventing a SME from implementing a cross-border or greenfield investment in another African country are: risk (fear), insufficient knowledge of the market, and the government's regulatory framework.   Fear of the unknown leads to staying in your comfort zone when you have the r

Entrepreneurs Africains, Sautez la corde des IDEs!

Je crois toujours et je suis certain que la clé de la croissance de l'économie de l'Afrique est l'augmentation du commerce et des investissements intra-Africains. La coopération Sud-Sud est le moyen par lequel l'Afrique peut surmonter le sous-développement - nous sommes toujours à 20 % alors que l'Europe est à 85 % pour les investissements directs (IDE) intra-continent. La plupart des sous-performances des secteurs économiques en Afrique, en dehors des télécommunications et de la finance, sont dues à leur réticence à se lancer massivement dans les IDEs (Investissement Direct Étranger) à travers le continent Africain. Une société de conseil comme la nôtre s'efforce à inciter les entreprises, en particulier les PMEs et les start-ups, à sauter cette corde sans crainte, car les 3 principaux obstacles empêchant une PME de mettre en œuvre un investissement transfrontalier ou nouveau dans un autre pays d'Afrique sont, le peur (~ risque), la méconnaissance du marché