Artificial Intelligence and conscience.

What a revolution! Artificial Intelligence (AI)
This computer can do everything, even beyond what you ask of it.
Our most intelligent of this world published on the web their amazement at the marvelous results Artificial Intelligence can produce in all fields, from science (hopefully for the vaccine against malaria) to finance (SVB has done bankruptcy), agriculture (we are in GMO mode), mining, energy, etc.
Because it can have the solution to everything -- it is a question of computing what we hope for -- therefore, I have no doubt that artificial intelligence will be able to:
Solve the famine in the world.
By determining the right type of organic cultivation, acreage, and agricultural land while creating wealth for countries such as:
Zimbabwe, which is under sanctions.
- DRC, Gabon, Sudan, etc., which, despite all the wealth of their subsoil, are very poor.
- In Mali and Burkina Faso, which have vast desert lands, it is therefore necessary to add the parameter of crops impacting rainfall.
Could we solve injustice in the world with the use of AI?
Put an end, once and for all, to the debate on gender because we only have two genders (man and woman, characterized by two sexes, the vagina and the penis).
The wonderful thing about artificial intelligence—and just as disturbing—is that it can have a conscience!
Remember, very smart people discovered nuclear energy, then they created the atomic bomb (Hiroshima and Nagasaki are witnesses to the good it does).
What conscience are we going to instill in artificial intelligence because, one day, it will take control of our lives?

Marius C. Oula


  1. On the positive side, AI is being used to improve the way we do things.

    On the negative side, it could lead to job losses, as functions previously performed by humans are taken over by ai, due to better efficiency, accuracy and cost effectiveness. It could also lead to more inequalities as only those with means and resources to afford it would have access to it. It could also be misused to achieve unethical objectives, like unlawful surveillance etc, and can also negativity affect social connectedness as personal interactios become fewer and fewer. So government policies have to protect human interest against potential negative impact of ai.

  2. How to protect human interest without depriving us from our freedom? AI is a very challenging issue that needs to be addressed.


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