The Pharisees approached Jesus to ask about marriage and said, "Moses recommended that we can divorce." Jesus answered, "It is because of your hearts that "God" has given you this kind of law." God is not so wicked as to give a law to the wicked to perpetuate their wickedness, no! On the contrary, Jesus had said, "It is because of your evil hearts that you have given yourself these laws to manifest your wickedness." The law comes from men, from what is called "culture." Men have established rules to perpetuate their purposes, just as religious laws like tithing were established by men because of their greed. Do you think God is going to make a rule and change it after a few years? He is immutable; in him there is no shadow of variation; he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Where have you seen that God can change? A fortiori, the laws God established It is men who establish the law according to their hearts, their level of evolu...