
The Pharisees approached Jesus to ask about marriage and said, "Moses recommended that we can divorce." Jesus answered, "It is because of your hearts that "God" has given you this kind of law." God is not so wicked as to give a law to the wicked to perpetuate their wickedness, no! On the contrary, Jesus had said, "It is because of your evil hearts that you have given yourself these laws to manifest your wickedness."

The law comes from men, from what is called "culture." Men have established rules to perpetuate their purposes, just as religious laws like tithing were established by men because of their greed. Do you think God is going to make a rule and change it after a few years? He is immutable; in him there is no shadow of variation; he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Where have you seen that God can change? A fortiori, the laws God established
It is men who establish the law according to their hearts, their level of evolution, and their era, not God; all that God establishes is eternal and is perpetuated from generation to generation. Everything God creates is the fruit of love because God is love, so how can God do something bad? Marriage is an act of love between two beings; it is men who establish laws and change them; this can be done at the national assembly where laws are always amended, not God's laws; the laws of the universe and of nature are eternal and exist forever; "if you plant oranges, you will have an orange tree, not a guava tree." God doesn't make mistakes; humans do.
All inconsistency on earth is the fruit of men. All that God has created is perfect; it is men, through their hearts and their acts, who create disorder.

Jesus did not come to abolish the law as it was from men; for proof, the chief rabbi of Jerusalem admitted that out of more than 600 commandments of the law they can only follow about 60; that is why Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You subject men to a burden that yourselves cannot bear."
Jesus came to perfect the law, which was to bring the Jews to what was to be the truth, which is why the religious leaders of that time ordered his crucifixion. Today, this is still the case if you speak up for the truth against the establishment. If you tell the truth, which is contrary to what the religious leaders say, you will be pilloried and called a witch. "There is nothing new under the sun; what is already there," as Jesus has confirmed: "They want to accomplish the desire of their father (Satan), and that is why they want to kill me." How can one hate someone who tells the truth? Someone who tells you to love each other. Those who don't love the truth hate the light.

Like Christ, the path of truth (light) is strewn with enemies who delight in darkness; those ones will seek to crucify you because of the light you carry.

Marriage was not established by God but by men; it is an agreement between two individuals who love each other; what God established is love. That's why Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself; it's the law and the prophets." How can you hurt someone you love, let alone your wife? If there is love in a marriage, divorce cannot exist.

Marius C. Oula


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