The lion businessman, how the natural order is distorted.

The creator has established order in his creation, which makes it harmonious, so any dysfunction creates disorder.
This observed harmony is preserved when the natural laws established by God are respected. The natural laws are respected by animals and plants; even celestial beings like angels comply with them. The only living species on earth that violates natural laws is man, which results in the state of our society and the damage that man does to nature and divine creation.
How does man manage to create this imbalance in this harmonious world that has been entrusted to him to "plow" and "maintain"? Thanks to his superior ability to think, man, unlike animals, is endowed with superior intelligence, giving him the power to create through his imagination.
Thus, man builds a society according to his desires and wishes, in accordance with his feelings. If man is filled with hatred, he can create wars; if love floods him, he creates peace. Man has the power to decide and materialize his thoughts through actions, hence his creative power. Don't we say in the Bible, "You are gods!".
All the evils that we see in society are therefore due to man himself, who introduces and creates his own chaos because he is endowed with a superior intelligence in the kingdom of the living, which is not the case for animals, plants, or minerals. One of the most powerful means used to create this imbalance in our ecosystem is money, which, instead of being an instrument of exchange, man has made a means of obtaining what he longs for. Which therefore brings us back to the thoughts and feelings that animate man in his action when he has the power conferred to him by money, "the sinews of war".
Animals have thoughts and feelings, but theirs are designed to produce actions in harmony with the natural order created, through respect for natural laws, thus contributing to the proper functioning of the animal kingdom, and nature. In nature, everything is harmonious, and Jesus Christ gives us this advice: "Nature itself teaches us."
So what is man doing differently to create disorder in nature?
The example of the lion will enlighten us on this, given that he is the king of the jungle (man was created to dominate creation).
The lion is a carnivorous animal that is very fond of antelope. When he finds a territory where his food is abundant, he decides to settle there and create his little tribe. He demarcates his new territory by urinating around, so any intruder who ventures there knows that he is in the territory of a lion. Then the lion gets a lioness (or lionesses) and procreates. The lion therefore has his wife, his children, and his food on his territory.
He protects his territory by force against any lion who dares to venture there, and if one of the lions defeats him, he recovers the possessions of the defeated lion, who must then look elsewhere for another territory. This is the law of the jungle: the strongest always obtain "the lion's share".
But this lion for our subject of study, is endowed with human reflection and feelings, so he begins to think. He knows that he will get older and will not always be as physically strong to prevent his territory from being taken from him one day. He thinks and asks himself a question: "How do I preserve my assets throughout my life and pass them on to my offspring, from generation to generation?" Yes, this lion is selfish like a man! And he understands that because of his strength, which gives him the "power" to keep his possessions, he must always have this strength in order to be able to reign over his territory, because other lions will come to confront him, to monopolize his territory for themselves one day, especially since this territory is blessed with an abundance of antelopes.
The lion decides to put his nocturnal thoughts into action, having established a very good strategy to stay in power; the lion has decided to reign not over his territory but over the entire jungle, to be "the master of his world"!

So here we are with a lion who has decided to reign over the entire jungle, to be the undisputed king. What initially was for the lion's survival, that of his family and his offspring, has become a project of society, "a new order of the jungle".
The lion decides to take over all the antelopes, creating a monopoly and a shortage of antelopes in the jungle. The other lions who want antelopes, despite their great hunting skills, will not find any, so they will have to obtain them from our "lion businessman", who sells them (this lion introduced money into the jungle).
But we are in the jungle, and in the jungle, it is the law of the strongest. A new equation presents itself to our lion: how to prevent other lions hungry for antelopes from attacking him, defeat him, and get the antelopes? The "lion businessman" needs protection against other hungry lions who have no money; the antelopes belong to everyone; by force, the other lions can obtain them. Our "lion businessman" therefore decides to obtain a Plethorian guard to perpetuate his reign. So his next equation is: how do I convince other lions to keep him safe?
Our "lion businessman" begins to analyze the behavior of lions. And our businessman discovers that the lion only hunts to feed himself and his family, and then lounges.
After this observation, our "lion businessman" decides to approach the strongest lions in the jungle individually to offer them a deal: "Dear lion friend, I hold all the antelopes; you consume 7 per week, and often when your lionesses come back from hunting with an antelope, they have hurtful words, and you see yourself obliged to go hunting too, but as I love you very much, I will give you 21 antelopes free of charge per week for you and your family. You will have no more hunting, and as a bonus, my antelopes are already cut into pieces. "What a great gift!" adds the other lion, who thus sees his life made easier in a wonderful way.
"The lion businessman" continues by specifying, "We have a problem; there are lions who will want to attack our antelope depot. Can you help me protect it since in your sector the other lions around fear you? The other lion added, "Don't worry, no lion from my sector will come and attack our antelope depot; I will spread the word; anyone who has business with you will find me on their way."
The same proposition is made to other lions identified as strong, and their allegiance is the same towards the "lion businessman." His Plethorian guard being thus constituted, our "lion businessman" can establish his operation.
The other lions that are not part of the Plethorian guard (G lion) are therefore obliged to pay to have antelopes. A law is then established in the jungle: "If you want antelopes, you can get them from the "lion businessman"."
The shortage (poverty) of antelope is then created in the jungle, but "the lion businessman" and his plethorian guard are in the abundance of antelopes. But a problem arose: lions also like to eat zebras and buffaloes. To capture and kill them requires special skills. So the "lion businessman", seeing the demand for antelope drop because the other lions could no longer pay the price asked for antelope, decided to hunt zebras and buffalo. Our "lion businessman" then decides to establish the same monopoly with the antelopes for the zebras, and the buffaloes. He then recruit, by the same process, other lions into his plethorian guard, and here he becomes the master of the jungle, the king of the world.
To now acquire their food, all lions must buy it from the "lion businessman".
Animal instinct, being an instinct for survival, can encourage lions to rebel one day if the jungle economy is in recession, which is becoming the case because nature has been distorted and its balance destroyed. In the jungle, we now have stressed lions who have to get money for their survival. Having lost the use of their ability to hunt, strength no longer gets anything; you have to have money to get your pittance. Meanwhile, as a remedy for any rebellion, the "lion businessman" has created a school to teach other lions how the new world works. Go to school, learn to hunt, get a degree, and I'll hire you. With this work, you will be able to have money and buy my products (antelope, zebra, and buffalo). After the school that he created, his new graduates, and the demand that pours in, the "lion businessman" builds roads to easily transport his products to his lion customers. Some time later, the jungle becomes small towns ruled by members of his plethorian guard, and the "lion businessman" rules over them all, making the towns a country.
In this new country, money is king; having it ensures your food and your survival. Due to the infrastructure built for the proper functioning of the "lion businessman" operations, nature is no longer able to produce antelopes, zebras, and buffaloes on its own, so "the lion businessman" launches into scientific research by creating scientist courses in his school. The goal is to produce GMO antelopes in its factories. His GMO antelopes, of course, create diseases, but don't worry, our "lion businessman" also produces medicines.
So here we are in our current world, where money is king, poverty is created, and we are made sick to treat ourselves with drugs that make us dependent and even sicker.
Fortunately, animals do not think like humans; a lion has no intention of dominating other lions or consuming more than it needs.
The state of nature is out of balance, disharmonized, and destroyed, this disorder caused by man transforms our society on a spiritual, moral, social, and economic level.
The world therefore goes from crisis to crisis, from war to war, and from disaster to disaster.
Returning to our essence is the solution to reestablishing this original divine order to bring harmony back to earth, but this work begins first within each of us. Discovering who we are and why we are on earth, which is defined as the awakening of consciousness, is the key to overcoming the crisis, thus establishing harmony and paradise on earth.

Marius C. Oula


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