And God created the woman.

The woman is the gender chosen to manifest procreation by the cosmic intelligence (God, the source); the woman represents the feminine principle; man is the masculine principle from which the seed originates. Scientists have found that the sex of the child is decided by the woman, on whom therefore depends the gender (male or female; masculine or feminine).
The role allocated to the woman is so primordial, that without her there can be no creation, so, with humans and animals, the woman is in charge of carrying the offspring through gestation, which period varies according to the living species.
In very advanced ancient societies like ancient Egypt, women had a prestigious and privileged status. Which is even certified in ancient cultures, and especially African cultures, where a king had to marry a virgin (the woman had to be pure) — we remember in the Bible Queen Esther, who was selected to marry King Ahasuerus. This is particularly the case even today, in Zulu culture, and Swaziland. This, therefore, relates to the material world, which cannot apply in our current societies, but spiritually, it is still feasible, and the spiritual dominates over the material; the Christians thus speak of "born again", of which Jesus spoke, "if a being shall not be born again, nor shall he see the kingdom of heaven".
In doing so, the orchestrated distortion of our society can be repaired, if the woman does return to her essence, which is to be the guarantor of virtue, for the establishment of a divine order, resulting in a harmonious society. The allegory of the apple eaten by Eve in the Garden of Eden, is the perfect example of this, which led to the fall of man, followed by his banishment from Eden.
How then do we return to this balance, to this perfect world, where everything is harmonious? Well, the law of cause and effect states that, a cause produces an effect. We must therefore act on the cause, to create the desired effect. The vaccine for a disease comes from the virus responsible for the disease; the problem always solves itself at the source, if our objective is to eradicate it. This is why, in no case, should a woman aspire to be like a man but better than a man. 

King David married Abigail, Nabal's wife, because he was amazed by her wisdom, common sense, and goodness (a woman must bring reason to the man; we say that "the night brings advice", because at night the man sleeps next to his wife).

In our African villages, when a young adult starts creating disorder in the community, his family finds a woman for him, to make him wiser.
"The evil one" has therefore set about attacking women over the ages, knowing that corrupting women will ensure chaos on earth, because she is the womb of creation — what comes out of a woman is something glorious, a human being, divinity made flesh; "let us create man in our image and likeness," says the scriptures. Woman has always been attacked, despoiled, belittled, discriminated, and reduced to servitude, but the good news is, we are now in a world of intellect. And, so the woman too, being rational like the man, and having a heart above the man, has risen after a long battle to her stature as a human being equal to the man, being able to then surpass him. We have women Presidents of the Republic, ministers, CEOs, entrepreneurs,   sportswomen, artists, farmers, etc. They can therefore bring this change to the world for a better society.
We must therefore support, encourage, and assist these valiant women in their drive to improve the human race, so that they can manifest the light within them, buried before creation, for the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth.
To achieve this, it is up to the women themselves, because it is written, "Help yourself, and heaven will help you". The first support of the woman must be the woman, so we shall see these beautiful creatures help each other, to rise to the pantheon of goddesses that they are.
Oh Eve, who shines in all women, may your luminous ray spring forth, and enlighten all humanity, in order to make the beauty of this marvelous work that is creation shine.

Marius C. Oula



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