Conversation with my PanAfricanist friend.

"We are living in the law of the jungle" (Bush Sr.), where the strong overpower the weak; therefore, relationships between nations are a balance of power; world powers lead, weak nations subdue.
Norway discovered oil in the early 1960s; as a result, Norway is a well-developed country; Nigeria, Angola, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, etc. are still underdeveloped nations. We must say that those nations are from Africa, that's why, well, it's true! Westerners are nice to each other, and help each other, but we had two world wars when they massacred each other. Then, they made peace, and decided to establish institutions to keep that peace amongst themselves, but, not with the rest of the world, especially Africa.
(Africa, a continent with enormous natural resources; everyone knows; but we poor; who cares? No one)

And one day, Russia attacked Ukraine. Poutine was not happy. Oh, white people at it again, killing each other! Some black folks condemned Poutine, "how do you dare attack your own?" The EU is unhappy, saying, "We have an agreement; we are led by the US; let's keep it this way." Unfortunately for them, there is a yellow nation in Asia deciding, "I want to rule the world also." Game changer: we are going to de-dollarize.

Some Africans are mourning: "it won't be nice to speak Mandarin", "the war in Ukraine is awful", but they were quiet when Kaddafi was killed; under the leadership of a Kenyan guy (sorry US president), they said "Kaddafi was about to kill his own people, let's stop him!" Well, they did it! But Libyans ended up killing each other and destroying their own country; the AU was quiet as always; the African Union's purpose is for meetings; the UN is in charge of operations.
Then PanAfricanists came out, "Ave Poutine!, it's time for Africa to be free from colonization, Poutine say so! Yeah, we trust Poutine; it doesn't smile; those who don't like Africa are fighting again him"; so, in any war, you need an ally; Bakhmut fell; hum, Russia is winning! BRICS is having a summit in South Africa! In 1884, no African countries were at the Berlin conference! 
PanAfricanists, even myself, are excited, Africa's condition under US leadership is still bad: poverty, underdevelopment, unemployment, and colonization. Of course, after quite a long time, we got bored of the same thing: underdevelopment. Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong look beautiful! The Chinese model can get a try; Of course, Africa is a whore; let's f@$k with the Chinese; it said they don't have a big one; everyone comes and do whatever they want to Africa; just give some money to her pimps (sorry her Leaders), then their countries are yours.

So, I ask a question to my PanAfricanist friend: "what is the plan to be developed when the BRICS take over?" He answered: "Don't you see, we chased France from Mali", and I replied, "How do you become developed?" He said, "We will be in charge of our own resources when we are free". Then, as a patient person, I asked again, "How does Africa become free?", and he replied, "We cut ties with the West", I got confused.
Me: Why are you borrowing from the IMF and World Bank?
He said, "But, we need money to survive!
Me: But, the one who gives money, controls you, have you not learned from all those years?
He was then looking at me funny, and I could hear from his mind saying, "another so-called clever black". Then abruptly, he said, "We want to be in power, to lead our own destiny, and to manage our resources".
I also looked at him funny and said to myself, "Africa, our leaders only want to be in power". Then, I told him, "I disagree with what you said, as I can not see you in charge of your destiny".
He automatically replied, "I knew you were against our revolution".
Me: You must be part of the LGBTQ community.
He went furious, shouting, "I'm not gay!".
Me: But you think people who don't agree with your narrative are against you, like the LGBTQ; this is called freedom; people don't have to abide by your opinion; everyone has their own choices; we must accept it.
Him: Well, I agree with you; I'm a Democrat, so what is your view?

Me: My consulting company aims to promote intra-African trade and investment (FDI), as I think enhancing South-South cooperation is essential for Africa's development. Also, Africa needs alternative financing, for which I'm a representative of IBT, a Hong Kong-based broker business company that is part of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, and aims to channel Chinese investors to finance government and private projects throughout Africa, this is just alternative financing (a competition, not a declaration of war).
If Africa, especially Sub-Saharan Africa, doesn't change its economic model of development, from what we know, there won't be any major change in terms of development.
Him: I'm not an economist to create an economic model of development for a country.
Me: One of my favorite politicians in Côte d'Ivoire, Professor Mamadou Koulibaly, is a great economist, surely he can assist if approached. Also, my thesis supervisor, Professor Kalu Ojah and the marxist Professor Malikane, can assist on this matter. In addition, Zimbabwe has so many PhDs who can be put at task on research.
Then, nodding, my PanAfricanist friend said: "Competition is great; it allows different choices, but you mentioned that "the one giving money, controls you"."
Me: Since we have different choices with competition, as we are moving towards energy transition, Africa still has everything the world needs; we can then firmly state our conditions at the upcoming BRICS Summit in South Africa.

He then happily replied, "Yeah, you are right, brother! It's very unlikely that a client will help a prostitute get out of prostitution, because what will he do when her service is needed? Africa is unique; we need to have a plan for ourselves and not expect others to rescue us.
I concluded: Former French President General DeGaulle said, "A country doesn't have friends but interests".

Marius C. Oula



  1. You are exact and in order.

  2. Panafricanism has to upgrade their theory.


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