
I saw a course on LinkedIn on "how to deal with racism." At first, I didn't want to comment because it's not wise to react to something when you're emotional; give yourself time to calm down. Then, when you approach the subject, you will use common sense and logic since you will have put a critical mind to it.

Why in the hell is someone going to waste time in their life talking about stupidity? I'm sorry to talk about racism. There are so many interesting topics to discuss: love, wisdom, happiness, generosity, kindness, truth, discipline, etc., but people choose to talk about useless things. Racists are just stupid, because even European scientists have shown that all humans are the same. If you hate people because of their skin color, it's obvious that something is wrong with you.

On top of that, hatred and happiness can't get along, so you make yourself unhappy.

Kinda sad are those people, especially black people, who get mad because some idiots say they're monkeys. Do you look like monkeys?

If you see human beings and you say they are animals, you have a serious intelligence and love problem. That's how miserable the racists are, and that's why they only resolve to hurt black people or other races. Jesus is clear on this: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Can you imagine how bad the hearts of racists are to even identify a human being with an animal? Also, "a tree bears fruit of its kind," which is why they perpetuate their hatred of other races through their children; how sad it is to teach your own children hatred! How then can you have a course to deal with such stupidity? It is better to have a course to help people improve themselves so they don't see their value through the eyes of others.

If someone thinks you're inferior, it's only a problem if you think you're inferior.

Let's be very proud of ourselves as black people; we are the descendants of one of the greatest civilizations ever established on earth, the ancient one; the pyramids are there to prove my point.

Race is only geographical; besides that, anthropologists have demonstrated that Africa is the "cradle of humanity." As God is love, blacks will therefore have to spread this love throughout the world and to others; this is how we can win this battle against hatred.

Marius C. Oula


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