Why can't you just love and enjoy what's good?

You can never win with people full of hatred, jealousy, and bitterness.
When you make money, they say maybe you did something illegal, but they will do anything for money.
If you are beautiful and proclaim it, they will find all the negative things about you (narcissistic, arrogant, vain), then say beauty is nothing because they are busy with Photoshop. When someone who is not so pretty or handsome proclaims it, her or his confidence is praised.
When you're highly educated, they'll say degrees are useless, but they work hard to put their kids in the best schools; they even keep studying themselves.
When you buy a new car, they will talk about the latest model.
Why can't you just love and enjoy what's good?

Life is neither a competition nor a concurrency; everyone experiences situations that allow them to grow and improve themselves. If someone has some qualities and possessions, well, the universe is an inexhaustible source where everyone can get what they deserve at the right time. We are on earth to live experiences; this is called your life. Your soul and your spirit will return to where they came from; this is called "death" (the separation of your soul and spirit from your body). If you get into the habit of saying beautiful and nice things about others, you will be happy even without money. The proof is that all wars, famines, and evils on earth are caused by billionaires. Why can't they make mankind so happy with all the resources and power they have? Because they are unhappy, they are producing what they are; "a tree produces the fruit of its kind." It is the law of nature, an absolute truth; otherwise, Jesus, Boudha, and Muhammad SAW are liars. Hatred, jealousy, wickedness, and bitterness, are part of the "same WhatsApp group." While you don't have a billion, you must improve yourself; otherwise, you will be unhappy, and a bad person with a billion, then you will do more harm to the world and to humanity.

Great beings, sages, and scholars have dedicated their whole lives to the study of man; their conclusion is clear: you cannot be happy by having bad feelings and saying bad things about others. All the holy books of all religions (the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, the Bhagavad Gita, etc.) certify it: man can only be happy by doing good to himself and to others. 

Multi-billionaire people who can afford all kinds of pleasures became pedophiles. Do you think by obtaining billions with thoughts and feelings as bad as yours, you will do good to people? The answer is no; you won't. We see it with people as soon as they have little money, we see what they do out there. Therefore, the more money that comes your way, the more you will deepen your bad deeds. That's why you don't like the truth; as soon as someone points out what you are doing wrong, you want to fight it out. Imagine if you had the means and the power, you would kill those people, punish them, and make their lives difficult. That's what those who dominate this world do! But glory be given to the creator of the universe, the great architect, as the sons and daughters of light are always protected by angels when they are attacked while speaking the truth.

Everything to which you attach yourself, and you are ready to massacre, vilify, and crush others will no longer be of any use to you, it will have no value, because the times have come for the manifestation of a new era, the one of love, so speak those who are called enlightened beings, who have known the light. Things beyond our understanding will manifest on earth; our eyes will see them, which is why it is written in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 2:9. "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived—the things God has prepared for those who love Him—" Therefore, follow the instructions in Proverbs 4:23. "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

If you think good, speak good, and do good to others, you will only be happy. When certain things manifest on earth, you will only be happier. We will never stop saying it: "Let's be filled with love and radiate love; this is our essence as human beings."

Marius C. Oula


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