Money and Envy

The source of money is envy; envy is the source of evil. Remember in the Bible, in the book of Ezekiel 28, it says: "It is when Lucifer starts being envious of the glory of God that he attempts a coup d'etat, to be like God."
God has created the universe, the earth, and man, his plan was to put at the disposal of human beings everything they need to live happily on earth. If you want food, there are vegetables and animals; you just have to harvest or hunt (this is work; yes, you must work to get what you want); if you want to build a house, you have all the materials required; if you are thirsty, there is water (rivers, lakes, etc.); if you want to dress, you can use animal skins. We can then use the latter to understand where money comes from and why it comes from envy first, before going to the barter system (which is the known reason for the appearance of money). 

In our example, we consider the first human beings living with their clans; they used animal skin as clothes, as I stipulated that everything was provided by God, for our life on earth as we are living species like animals. Birds create their own habitat, have food provided by nature, and already have their clothes, just like men, which is confirmed in the Bible, which says that the first man, Adam, was naked but later decided to wear leaves and animal skins.
These prehistoric men wore animal skins. One day, in their clan, there was this guy who developed great skill, in working animal skin, to produce amazing animal skin clothing. The clan people saw the fancy clothes made by the village craftsman—such a beauty, a masterpiece—and wanted the same. They wanted to wear those beautiful animal skin clothes, and all new garments made by our first designer. Some of them approached the designer to get one or make more for them. Why do they want the new clothes? Because of the pleasure of the eyes, that's where the envy began—the process of getting what the eyes saw, and the heart desired. 
Obviously, the designer's work by applying his skills increases the value of skin clothes, which are more beautiful than the normal skin clothes made by everyone. How will the people of the village get the designer's new clothes? They put a bid on the table, for example, they can propose the old skin clothes plus another item to get the new skin clothes, or they can offer something that matches the value of the new clothes (the barter system). Here's how they created money in their clan, village, and community. When the designer's or craftsman's know-how is known in another villages, sales increase, and the designer becomes a businessman, not producing for his own needs but for customers. The more sales increase, the more the cost of production increases, as does the need for more raw materials, more employees, and a supply chain. Then competition begins. 

Because the clothes are made from animal skin, more animals will be killed not only for food but also for clothing. It all started with people setting their sights on something created by one man—a craftsman, a creator, an architect.

To eradicate envy from their society, as our ancestors knew it could lead to evil, they assigned to families a specific task according to their competency, which is why we found in the village those who specialize in this or that item, to supply the village according to everyone's needs. Everyone works for the welfare of the community, as seen with the Indians in America (in their society, they have hunters, warriors, carpenters, etc.), there was no money involved in their community; it was real communism. It is only when envy arises that the need for possession arises, which leads to actions, to obtain the desired good.
What actions do you take to get what you want? Your actions can be good or bad; it is only the motive that will determine your actions. In our case, it started with envy, which led to negative actions that caused disturbances in the once peaceful and harmonious community. The movie "The Gods must be Crazy" illustrates how a bottle of cold drink falling from a plane that landed in a peaceful village, in the Kalahari desert, created unrest and fights in the village, hence the chef's decision to get rid of this bottle where the earth ends.

Money is good; it is a very convenient and efficient way to exchange goods. Imagine you are far away from that village, and you want the fancy skin clothes. How would you manage, if you wanted to obtain them in exchange for a cow? Carrying a cow will be challenging, which has been fixed by the use of money.
Money can facilitate exchange, but it all started with envy. If the emotional part of acquiring money is not fixed, money will remain the source of evil. Nowadays, only 3% of goods use money to be exchanged (real economy), the rest is pure speculation. This is how troubled we are as a society, where greed has taken place everywhere. 
What leads to greed? Envy. You will never see an elephant wanting a beard like a lion, or a lion beard for sale in the jungle, for those who want to look like a lion. Man created a disturbance, just out of envy that disrupts the earth's ecosystem. What can push a country to decide to conquer another country? Envy: Europe envied Africa's natural resources, then decided not to pay for them (greed); that's why I said envy creates greed.

How to fix it, and return to the original state, when people were living in harmony? The solution is not on the outside, as we can see how the world is, the solution is inside everyone, to change their emotions, feelings, and thinking, to reach a point where we all work for the well-being of the community, while being content with what we have.
Religion has failed to change people's minds and emotions; even in church, you have to pay; money is everywhere; and, according to religion, even God loves it (you must pay money to God as offerings). Also, science has badly turned mankind into a chaos; man can create disease, and get money from it, by selling medicines, vaccines, etc. Mankind needs to transform, for the betterment of human beings, as religion and science have solutions to only earthly problems, and cannot create a spiritual transformation, to affect man emotionally, or intellectually. 

Human beings are so reluctant to use the spiritual avenue to transform their innerselves, because they are embodied with envy. 

People no longer want the natural order, but follow what has been created by society as relevant. People need to be transformed inside, in order to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth, and the only science proven to be able to achieve this, is the spiritual science, which bring humans to their essence, to their true purpose on earth—to be like God, to infuse love. 

With love, we can create a harmonious, peaceful, and abundant society.

When there is no love and wisdom, money and envy belong to "the same WhatsApp group," so, if you have one, you will have the other. To prevent this established fact, we need to renounce to envy, by changing our hearts; then money won't be the source of evil, but a wonderful tool, to acquire necessary goods, and create a better world.

Marius C. Oula





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