South Africa, Zimbabwe, a regional integration.

We are facing a tragedy in Africa and a catastrophe in the SADC region! Zimbabweans are not leaving Zimbabwe for South Africa; they are running away from their own country, fleeing their own country to its neighbor, South Africa. As a result, there are about 5 million Zimbabweans in South Africa (Zimbabwe's population is estimated at around 15 million). Recently, 89 000 Zimbabweans were deported from South Africa in a week. This is a serious matter of concern for the SADC to call an urgent crisis meeting! 

Someone must sound the alarm in Africa about regional organizations for integration. What is it for? If we don’t support each other,

There is an ongoing economic and financial crisis in Zimbabwe, where inflation can reach 500%, resulting in no currency for the country. The majority of necessary goods and vegetables are imported from South Africa; Zimbabwe is a failed state. What must South Africa do as a regional power knowing that it is South Africa that is now complaining about the influx of its neighbors on its soil? Simplistic thinkers then resolve to a xenophobic stance: "foreigners must go!" Also, South Africa is facing a huge youth unemployment rate of about 40%. It is understandable that 5 million foreign nationals, in the case of Zimbabweans, are on your soil, you see a lot of them working, and you, as a local, don’t have a job. It is easy for populist political leaders to activate the flame of xenophobic stance. Most populist politicians don’t think critically but rather emotionally, as the only avenue where they can have followers is by activating and using their anger. 

Politicians without critical thinking divert public opinion from their lack of solutions to the problems of their citizens.

How would you repatriate 5 million Zimbabweans? If you manage to arrest some of them, what will it cost for South African taxpayers to deport 5 million people? With a cost of R5 000 per deportee, it will cost R25 billion to South Africa to deport Zimbabweans to Zimbabwe; what about the other immigrants; then, with the porous borders (the porous borders are not the fact of foreigners to mention the least) they will still come back; and so on and so forth. We cannot fight diabetes with sugar or try in the open sea to empty a flooded boat that has holes everywhere, but this is the avenue used by xenophobic politicians, which is why I said they are simplistic thinkers. South Africa is facing an economic crisis; they must use their resources to repatriate people! Instead, South Africa must ensure immigrants don't come and those who are already in South Africa willingly go back to their home countries, then use the money saved (the budget for repatriation) to create more jobs for South Africans. 

This approach will be at no spending for The state of South Africa and the Zimbabweans will willingly go back, such big money saved from South Africa taxpayers money (billion of rands)!

Let’s then forget about xenophobia; we don’t do such things in Africa; we are all black; if you don’t understand this, don’t ever complain about racism from whites because in the case of racism, we are dealing with different races. 

In the 1970s and 1980s, Ghana was a failed state, and Ghanaians migrated to Ivory Coast, but in the 1990s, Ghanaians emigrated back to Ghana from Côte d’Ivoire because economically things were going well in Ghana. Same in Europe with Poland; their citizens were a lot in France doing minor jobs, but today there is no visa between France and Poland as Poland is a member of the European Union. To join the European Union, there are criteria, and if you wish so, they will assist you in improving your economy to reach those criteria—this is solidarity! Look, in the case of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, Côte d’Ivoire didn’t assist and actively support Ghana to develop given that both countries belong to ECOWAS (the west Africa regional organization). The economic recovery of Ghana was started by President Jerry Rawlings, who unleashed the process.

In Europe, they help and support each other, but in Africa, you are on your own, so what is the purpose of those regional integration organizations? You have a tangible example of what works; you have the resources to apply it, but you don’t want to do it; it doesn't make sense. which means you don’t want to fix the problem. This is why there is a status quo in Zimbabwe. If the economy of Zimbabwe is doing well, Zimbabweans will willingly leave South Africa for their country, as Ghanaians and Poles did. 

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s fix Zimbabwe's economy. This is the duty of South Africa as the regional power and neighbor because we need to mention the invasion of South Africa by the Zimbabwean population if South Africa doesn’t act urgently. 

How the economy of Zimbabwe will be ok?  Whether South Africa removes ZANU-PF or the South African government ensures they apply strictly a economic recovery plan drafted by Zimbabwean best minds

How then can South Africa unleash Zimbabwean emigration by making Zimbabweans willingly go back to Zimbabwe?

To engage with this problem, we will refer ourselves to history, as we know that "everything that exists has already existed." The issue you have today, someone had it before and fixed it.

South Africa is the regional power and the most powerful country in Africa; it is time for South Africa to prove it otherwise South Africa will soon become like Rhodesia. This is an emergency for the South African government to act decisively in restoring Zimbabwe's economy. It is obvious that the people in charge in Zimbabwe are not able to fix their economy, and as a result, their citizens are flowing to South Africa. South Africans are crying for jobs, which is why unsharp politicians will use this anger of their citizens to stimulate xenophobic feelings towards their black brothers and sisters (who are innocent); you go where the pasture is green; this is survival; Zimbabweans have to flee to South Africa because their country is a mess; if they stay at home, they will suffer. 

Now, what to do as South Africa can no longer bear the burden of immigration on its soil from their African brothers and sisters? Zimbabweans are the most vulnerable and just next door; their case is then an emergency, and people who are serious about fixing a problem start from one point to another, 

When an African politician says: "All foreigners must go, for you as a local to have a job," it means this politician does not have a plan to create jobs for you; it is useless to follow such a politician if you want a job.

Let’s be practical.

ZANU-PF is failing to fix the economy of Zimbabwe; this is a fact, and it has been like that for more than two decades. According to President Thabo Mbeki, "Prime Minister Tony Blair Asked Him for Permission to Remove President Mugabe." This affirmation of President Thabo Mbeki demonstrates the power of the ANC to instigate a regime change in Zimbabwe, assuring the right government for Zimbabwe's economic recovery. This is what a regional power does, making sure everything is good at home and with the neighbors. The regional power ensures the neighboring government doesn’t create problems for its nation; with a great exemple of the United States, Russia, and the European Union, South Africa must call the shots. There is no way the government of Zimbabwe, which has 1/3 of its citizens in South Africa, won’t take orders from the government of South Africa. If ZANU-PF wants to remain in power, they must make sure to apply the plan of economic recovery put in place by Zimbabwe's best minds under the leadership of the ANC (South Africa's governing party). This must be done under strict scrutiny from the South African government; otherwise, ZANU-PF must go. 

If the government of Zimbabwe is a bit sensitive to the suffering inflicted on their people who just want to flee their country, the Zimbabwean government must act, or it must be the responsibility of the South African government to ensure and demonstrate its regional power. South Africa's government's concern about the unemployment of its citizens threatened by the cheap labor provided by foreign nationals must lead it to assist in restoring the dignity of the great people of Zimbabwe. We always fix a problem at its root, and the root of Zimbabweans' immigration to South Africa is the Zimbabwean government's failure to fix the economic and financial mess in Zimbabwe. It is in the best interest of South Africa to assist in fixing Zimbabwe's economy, as this economic recovery will create an immediate and huge market for South Africa's goods and industry, which will foster real regional integration and lead to an opening border with Zimbabwe like the European Union. Before getting there, Zimbabwe must first recover economically and financially. 

It is the decisive regime improvement or change action for the good of the people that we are used to from world powers that South Africa as a regional power must take. The responsibility of ensuring the best solution for the good of both countries, South Africa and Zimbabwe, rests with South Africa.

NB: Before mentioning democracy and a country’s sovereignty in the South Africa approach to favoring a regime improvement or a regime change in Zimbabwe, you must consider what is meant by a "state of emergency," which is quite often used by world powers as an argument to act firmly against a threat to their countries and the welfare of their own citizens. 

As General DeGaulle's famous speech mentioned, "a country does not have friends but interests," which must also guide the South African government's actions towards its neighbors, as fixing the economy of Zimbabwe is in the best interest of South Africa.

Marius C. Oula


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