President Ramaphosa's visit to West Africa

The visit of President Cyrille Ramaphosa to West Africa and my country, Côte d'Ivoire, is very important for the economy of South Africa, in particular to curb unemployment, which strikes young people in this period of post-colonial economy, and now, that's a big step.

Due to economic constraints, local demand in South Africa has declined, leading to business closures and then rising unemployment. President Ramaphosa, in seeking to increase intra-African trade and investment between South Africa and West Africa, which is a huge market (300 billion USD), aims to motivate South African companies to engage in cross-border investments, which will help South African businesses increase their sales, increase production, and subsequently increase employment in South Africa. Mudell (1960) pointed out that firms get a higher rate of return on investment from their cross-border investments, which is why increasing intra-African FDI is the way forward for South Africa.

By allowing the South African business community to access this huge West African market, it will help generate growth and also bring South African technology to Africa. South African companies must export their technology to Africa; as an example, in Cote d'Ivoire, it takes 1 week to open a business account and a month to register a company, which shows that there is a huge market to be exploited in the banking sector.

Therefore, the implementation of South African companies in West Africa will stimulate competition, which will undoubtedly benefit customers by lowering prices and increasing consumption. When your consumption increases and a country's economy revitalizes, African countries are always looking for investments, and here are the investments coming from South Africa.

We highly praise the visit of President Cyrille Ramaphosa to West Africa, demonstrating the involvement of a world power like South Africa in African affairs. Seeing the exemplary democratic system in South Africa, which was shown again during South Africa's local elections, where the ANC had fallen to 48% but there was no fight, the ANC accepted its 48%. It is this message of development and democracy that we expect President Cyrille to bring to West Africa.


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