Why do you care so much about life? Because it is a precious gift for the good of humanity, which is why you will see someone who is suffering or going through terrible times but clinging to life.

But there are also those who commit suicide because they can no longer bear the pain inflicted on them by their lives. Is life supposed to bring you suffering and pain? I think not because "nature has given us a paradise and we are the only ones responsible for hell and everyone's suffering."

If you ask a human being, he will tell you that he wants to be happy, so if life does not make you happy, what do you do? Should life make you happy, or should you bring happiness into life?

"Life is a continuum allowing the emergence of consciousness, from its latent state to its manifested state; in fact, it is the awakening of consciousness." It is in this sense that everything that man does or thinks affects the entire planet and everything on it: "What I am,  depends on what you are, and what you are depends on what I am." So, when our actions and thoughts go against the common good, life becomes hell for everyone. De facto, "the essential work of life is love, and the best way to respond to it is to love, to love to live, to love to think, to like to play, to love to share." This is why "the great masters never give rules of life, because free will is the basis of the consequences of our thoughts and our actions."

"The reins of life are impacted by our way of existing, acting, and thinking in relation to all that lives." This interdependence is brotherhood. "It is the fundamental law of nature. Without the interaction of all human beings, we will not be able to live."

"Love and brotherhood are therefore the only true, useful, and immortal aims of life." which is summed up by Jesus' saying, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Your neighbor, to whom you must show love, is your "brother" and your "sister" from the same source: God.

Analysis of the extract from H. P. Blavatsky's Theosophy on Life


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