Intellectualism to serve politics

Intellectualism is inseparable from politics, because it is politics that decides the direction of a nation. Plato demonstrated this through his book, "The Republic," which is a political model. The French Revolution was triggered by intellectuals, thinkers, and philosophers, to change society; it is proof that politics must be everywhere, otherwise, we would do intellectualism for intellectualism without having too much impact on society.

In the archaeological research of Ancient Egypt, researchers could not find any royal palaces for the pharaohs, which is proof the pharaohs were not interested in material things. Some Egyptian priests were richer than the pharaohs, who did not care about the possession of material goods. The pharaohs used "Ma'at," which was a concept of governance based on social justice, ethics, and wisdom, to rule the state. The society was so harmonious that women could be pharaohs and were equal to men. The level of individual consciousness was so high—there was no prison—everyone had to raise their level of consciousness to work for the good of the state and the community.

This is why Africa must return to its origins, which necessarily pass through Ancient Egypt given that the Ancient Egyptians were black; they called their country Khem (the country of blacks) and defined themselves as Khemits (blacks). Far from us is the idea of raising a racial debate, but rather establishing a truth, whose facts have been distorted over the years. We still remember the researchers who broke the noses of the statues found in the pyramids, demonstrating that Ancient Egyptians were blacks. The aim of our presentation, is therefore to present an intellectualism to develop an African consciousness, by showing the greatness of its history, which is, moreover, the history of humanity.

It is therefore opportune to congratulate great African scholars, such as Cheick Anta Diop for all his discoveries on Ancient Egypt, the origin of humanity, and also Théophile Obenga, for their colossal work for the restoration of the greatness of Africa's history. As the Bible says, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." It is therefore the concern for the truth that guides us, in order to come out of the chains of colonialism, because a people without history will always remain subjected. Also, to draw the attention of African leaders to a successful model of governance, they should follow for the good of all humanity, mankind is a brotherhood. The more Africa lags behind in the concert of nations, the more our world will be heading towards chaos. For example, despite their knowledge and cultural, philosophical, scientific, and spiritual wealth, the Pharaohs did not seek to conquer the world or to subject other peoples to colonization (despite having the means); on the contrary, they shared their knowledge with the Greeks, who built their civilization, and bequeathed this knowledge to the Romans. So, our contemporary world comes fromAncient Egypt, yet we know only a tiny fraction of the great civilization of the Pharaohs of Egypt.

China has created its own political, economic, and social model, the results of which we are seeing today; therefore, Africa must follow China by relying on its glorious history as a precursor to the current contemporary world, to rebuild its civilization. The United States is a great economic power, but taking into account their lack of cultural and philosophical richness, their reign will end before the end of this century. Africa must begin to honor its intellectuals, and offer them a platform to promulgate their knowledge. As an example, if we look at France, which has produced great philosophers, with its cultural richness, these have allowed France to establish itself as a world power despite the absence of natural resources, and a large territory; the french philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre was a darling of the media, which offered him a platform to express his ideas. But, Africa has shown minimal consideration for its scholars, its intellectuals, although they are the tool of awakening consciousness. The result of neglecting African scholars is palpable in the quality of African leaders we offer to the world, to our greatest shame.

In conclusion, Africa must allow intellectualism to be put at the service of politics, which will make it possible to produce high-caliber leaders, who have the know-how to positively impact their states, and the world. All this by relying on its spiritual, philosophical, and cultural wealth inherited from ancient Egypt.


Marius C. Oula


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