Brotherhood is the bond between people considered to be members of the human family. According to Cheikh Anta Diop, a renowned historian, anthropologist, and Egyptologist, humanity began in Africa; therefore, the expression "Africa is the cradle of humanity" is true. It all started in Africa, according to science, as the first man came from Africa. Because of migrations, Homo sapiens was found on other continents; due to the climate, after several generations the skin color and morphology changed, and we had white people, Asians, Indians, etc., depending on the color you wanted to give them (yellow, white, black, etc.).

So, we all come from the same source, that is to say, from Africa. This is confirmed by the two largest monotheistic religions (Christianity and Islam), which represent nearly 60% of the world population. In the Christian religion, it is very clear that the first man is Adam, and we all come from Adam (the bible does not specify the color of Adam's skin). No one will be offended if I say that Adam was black; it will be more believable and precise with the findings of scientists on the origin of mankind. If Adam is white, then his descendants had to migrate from Europe to Africa, where the sun blackened them. We can discuss that, but it is clear that humanity started with a human being, which means we are all of the same descent. This is more true as humans are all genetically similar, which is scientifically and religiously proven.

What about racists? They must be aliens. I suspect that on the planet where they came from, they haven't been taught to love other living beings since they don't see the black man as a fellow human, but we know very well who we are (human beings). Where do the racists come from? They don't see the black man as they are; I think they have a problem with love and reflection, which has made them forget their origin and thus give up seeing humanity as a brotherhood. Their stupidity goes further by equating blacks to monkeys, which is understandable because the animal is less thoughtful than man; animals live together and accept each other by species (a lion can kill an antelope without remorse); this is why racists may hate another human race different from their own because they think like animals clinging to racial preferences. Here comes the primitive, underevolved human being. Identifying the black man with the monkey is well established in their subconscious because of their level of reflection comparable to the animal. They identify with animals as they convince themselves that the African, who is the original man, is an animal; that is why we do not respond to a kick from a donkey.

For our part, mankind is a great brotherhood, and to live in harmony with our fellow human beings, we must cultivate love for our neighbors, because the other is you, who can be of a different color and live on another continent.

Nb: It was not possible that in antiquity, migration would be from Africa to Europe; we do not leave sunny days to go cold. This is the case today (Africans migrate to Europe) because of the paradigm shift causing a mind disruption, Africa has become a colonized continent.

Marius C. Oula


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