The olympics of GMO.

We have arrived at the fateful moment when humanity, all nations combined, come together to celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The opening ceremony was beautiful in the image of what they have decided to be our future world, a GMO (genetically modified organism) society.
Modern man manifests his divinity through his creative capacity due to his superior intellect to other living species; were we not created in his image and likeness, as the scriptures say? 
Human beings have therefore built the world in which they hope to flourish and perpetuate their species. After submitting to nature, he conquered it and then established his own rules of existence, thus becoming the god he has always been since his appearance on earth. We have therefore decided to modify everything as we wish to respond to our aspirations, which are still not in harmony with the natural laws pre-established by the creator, who is the cosmic intelligence from whom the entire universe arises.

Initially, nature provided to prehistoric man with everything he needed to survive, and man's evolution through the application of his intellect allowed him to shape his world by transforming or modifying raw matter to make a finished product meeting his living conditions objectives; Thanks to technological evolution, humans have therefore been able to improve or even modify existing things—in a few days we grow vegetables and animals for our well-being, we are told! Modern medicine appeared by creating drugs to treat us, making us even sicker, while the indigenous man ("uncivilised man") only uses plants provided by our dear nature to heal himself, and our consumer society has welcomed genetically modified organisms (GMO) with open arms as a great technological advance—we have meat produced in the laboratory—a virtual world where everything can be bought with virtual currencies; after such feats, humans then decide to create their own intelligence, artificial intelligence. Even more, we have decided to create chips for our brains, allowing us to think better in order to become superhumans. 
Yes, dear friends, the divine work is not perfect; we have abdicated the right to help him in his task since God makes mistakes (God has repented on several occasions of having created the man). And some of us have found that they have to be modified because genetically there was an error in their gender, the gender they have does not suit them, obviously there was a manufacturing error, thanks therefore to the evolution of technology, this can be rectified, and they went about it with a lot of hassle but in the end, they emerged victorious; the Paris Olympic Games are therefore the event celebrating their victory in an opening ceremony whose aim was to certify a new era, the multiplicity of genders, unveiling the reign of the LGBTQ nation (with their rainbow colors flag), with the image of Jesus and his apostles - France being the country of human rights, and one of the bastions of Christianity, what strong symbols! - at least they did not dare to depict the prophet Muhammad SAW because with the mathyr that Palestine suffered, that would be a little too much for the Muslims.
 History is written by the victorious; the colonised peoples can bear witness to this—the ancient Egyptians and even Jesus have been whitewashed, the French-speaking African has been attributed Gaulish ancestors—the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games was a grand celebration depicting the victory of the LGBTQ narrative through a parody of the characters of Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting; a new history of humanity is thus created; we no longer have just 2 genders but several. 

We may be indifferent to the LGBTQ narrative, but it imposes itself on us through its powerful relays and supports (we remember President Barack Obama's reprimands to Kenyan authorities for their anti-LGTBQ views). For our part, we are not "anti-LGBTQ," but our natural intelligence has difficulty understanding their concept of multiplicity of genders because of our love for the divine creation from which we learn, the narrative of more than 2 genders must be subject to debate given that we are in a democracy—a minority must not impose its opinion on a majority—if we impose ourselves on others by force, we find ourselves in a dictatorship. 
We are in a free world where freedom of expression must prevail; this is why the LGBTQ community expresses its opinion, which delights us, but does it accept the contrary opinion of others regarding their narrative of the multiplicity of genders? 

To procreate, the man must mate with a woman (who has a uterus where the child is formed), but the human being does not mate only to make children, as making love is also a physiological need of the human being. Before this coupling between a woman and a man, feelings and an attraction towards the opposite sex must occur. But we notice that people of the same sex mate with each other, hence the term "homosexual," and those who are thus labelled have suffered rejection and abuse from others who did not understand their choice because it did not correspond to their cultural, religious, and moral beliefs.

For my part, I thought we became homosexual, but later I understood that some people are born that way. This truth was confirmed after discussions with a friend “transgender” from South Africa named Celeste, who made me understand that being homosexual is a nature characterised by attraction to a person of the same sex. Her story moved me to the point that I decided to write about it and make a mini documentary on her life to share her pain and daily difficulties due to her choice to accept her sexuality and her desire to be a woman. Being born a man, Celeste admitted to me that she never had an attraction to a woman or had sexual relations with a woman until her current age of over 45 years old. It stunned me and filled me with emotion when she told me about losing her job because she was homosexual. The difficulties endured by "gay" people due to their lifestyle contributed to creating their desire to assert and establish themselves as normal people in society. The oppression they have suffered in the past and continue to suffer has created a legitimate feeling of expression, hence the "gay prides" organised throughout the world: "We are human beings like you," hammering them to others. Homosexuals are normal people, and homosexuality is normal; we see it every day. Isn't the French Prime Minister homosexual?
To write my article and produce my mini documentary on Celeste, I decided to get in touch with my friend Jacques, a media content producer, so we have an exchange where I present to him my project and the correspondences undertaken for the search for partnership for the production and the broadcast of my future documentary. Reading one of my emails sent to the French Development Agency, he said to me, "They will not support your project." I asked him, "Why?" The following exchange then ensued:

Jacques: "You mentioned in your email that the funds generated by the documentary will go to Celeste to finance her store and her psychological support?"

Me: "Yes, of course, it's a social project because I believe that realising her dream through this store will allow her to live decently given that she no longer has a job and the psychological follow-up will provide her with the necessary support to accept herself as she is; many face this same problem in South Africa."

Jacques: “In the past, LGBTQ people have been labelled as abnormal; some have even been forcibly committed to mental asylums, so they don’t want to hear about psychologists.”

Me: "I don't think they are crazy or abnormal, but it must be difficult to be a man, to feel like a woman, and to want to be a woman (vice versa), since their physical gender is visible to them first and the sometimes contemptuous look of society towards them must be difficult to bear.

Jacques: “Okay, but know that from my experience, they no longer seek to be understood by others; you are either with them or against them. And above all, do not upset them in their narrative of several genres.”

Me: "For people who have been oppressed, I understand that they want others to accept them as they are, but they must avoid the pattern of the oppressed who becomes the oppressor; this is one of my goals through this documentary.

Jacques: “For them there is no longer any room for this debate; they are normal, they have powerful support, and their views must be imposed as a way of life for society.”

Me: "People have opinions that differ from ours that we must accept; that's the freedom of expression they fought for. They are free to change their sex, but others are also free not to accept that.

Jacques: "They have the power, and they want to impose themselves; you are with them or against them. I promise you that you will not have any partnership if you go in this direction. Everything is already decided in their perspective of imposing their narrative on the whole world.

The Paris Olympic Games therefore confirmed that the LGBTQ narrative of several genders must probably be universal. As proof, a "transgender female" boxer (a man turned into a woman) fighting against a woman has created a controversy from the first days of the Olympic Games, opening the path to acceptance that men and women have the right to modify themselves genetically, which is their right by the fact that they are adults, but it does not stop there; children will also have this right. Laws are and will be passed in this direction, allowing children to decide to change their sex without the consent of their parents.
A new era is then looming on the horizon for all of humanity, with a change in the leading world power, the United States of America, which could cede its seat to China/Russia against a backdrop of the risk of a 3rd world war. All this is accompanied by armed conflicts, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which religious people see as a sign of the end of the world. And the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic games with the knight referring to those listed in the book of the apocalypse, which friends of eschatology have seen there as signs of the end of the time.
Will technological breakthroughs with the advent of artificial intelligence be able to save our humanity? Everyone has their own solution; the LGBTQ have decided that there are several genders; Elon Musk wants to go to Mars; and a new, more virulent COVID-19-type pandemic is promised to us. For now we rejoice in being human beings demanding more freedom, which has allowed certain people to be identified through letters with the right to change their gender and identity.
Our future will be forever changed spiritually (we learnt that Jesus was black), intellectually (chips are ready for our brains), and genetically (men can become women and vice versa); welcome to our new GMO world.

Marius C. Oula 


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