The animal man.

When a human's level of consciousness decreases, he becomes like an animal but with superior thinking abilities because he is a human being, the movie, “The planet of the Apes” is the perfect illustration of this.
As a result, man at a low level of consciousness is concerned about his own survival and that of his offspring. He limits himself to the preservation of his clan and his species; to others, he applies the law of the jungle without any remorse.

The lion has no remorse when it kills an antelope or massacres a leopard that ventures into its territory, or even another lion; such is the animal man whose level of consciousness is low; he sees the human species throughout different races as a means of ensuring his survival, and that of his family.

So, if endowed with great intelligence, which he often increases through the acquisition of knowledge, he therefore uses it to reign over others because he sees humanity as a jungle, not as a garden to cultivate and maintain for the good of all (his fellow human beings).
This type of man, therefore, decides, to colonize, to reduce to slavery those he judges weak (inferior), by force, which will no longer be physical but mental. By the introduction of means ensuring his dominance, which are money, and laws, our system of society is thus created.

“There are very intelligent men who have found that to get rich, it is necessary to poison others.”, said master Omraam M. Aivanhov. We can elaborate his remarks even further by adding, "to massac8re and degrade other peoples."

Animal men create wars, famines, and destroy nature, because their goal is the dominion of others, as a result, they distance themselves from the divine essence. Regressing the level of their consciousness, these men become “without qualms”. They no longer see humanity as a brotherhood,  but as a hunting field, like wild beasts in the forest.
The lion hunts for food, but as this animal man is endowed with superior thinking, he runs towards profit on a selfish impulse filled with greed, guided, and tortured by his carnal desires.
When the animal man meets his alter ego, a confrontation is therefore inevitable, like a lion entering the territory of another lion. Therefore, we had the 1st world war, followed by the 2nd, and now we are waiting for the 3rd world war.

A harmonious and peaceful society can only be established if humans awaken their consciousness, to reach their divine dimension. This is possible thanks to love, the solution brought by Jesus Christ through “love your neighbor as yourself”, for the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth. By doing so, we can all live happily in the "Edem Garden" which is "Gaia", offered to us by God, as a sign of abundant love toward us, human beings.

Marius C. Oula




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