Happy BRICS Summit 2023!
We are finally there, at the BRICS Summit 2023, they are all there except Putin (Prigozhine effect or pressure on South Africa). Anyway, the summit is held and already China has taken out the wallet, what generosity! Unlike the Berlin conference in 1884, the BRICS summit is being held in Africa, in South Africa, Mandela's land, in this atmosphere of a new world order against a backdrop of war in Ukraine and "the return of Covid19". In the same vein, ECOWAS has decided to attack one of its members, another African country. (Well, black people don't like each other, that's nothing new). General DeGaulle said: "A country has no friends but interests". So what is Africa's interest with BRICS? Surely our leaders have thought about it, free wheat, getting more donations, more debt, increasing their imports and exporting their raw materials with their BRICS partners. Maybe this time they will surprise us, maybe they will say to China and Russia, we want to ...