The purpose of existence

"What then is the purpose of existence?" If it is to eat, house, clothe, have children, grow old, and die, then we are like animals, because they do only that. This is why the cosmic intelligence (God) gave us the tools (capacities) to go further in order to become perfect; therefore, to achieve perfection is the goal of life.

-O.M. Aivanhov-

"The majority of mankind does not know it; this is why humans tear each other apart, hate each other, and kill each other since they have focused themselves on the tools (capabilities given to them by the creator) instead of trying to achieve the goal, which is perfection."

Everything we see as destruction on earth is due to the law of kickback, because everything you do comes back to you. On earth, no one escapes gravity; to escape it, you have to go very high in the celestial regions and get out of our atmosphere. This is possible on the spiritual level; we know that when you grow spiritually, your being becomes more beautiful, and you reflect the celestial light by doing only good, since the ultimate way to reach the light is through love. So, being subject to the law of kickback, you will only reap the marvelous; if you sow love, you will reap more love.

O.M. Aivanhov

Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." He is the light; we all know that the light of the world is the sun, so Jesus is "the bright morning star."

The quest for perfection involves spiritual growth that will occur gradually through various stages. In spiritual growth, there are 4 stages:
1. concentration: solidify your will
2. Meditation: working on the intellect
3. Contemplation: the soul is magnified
4. Identification
It is this last level Jesus reached; he was able to identify himself as the light, which enabled him to say, "I and the Father are one." His disciples could therefore call him "Rabbi," which means "master."

You are Christians, but you don't want to become like Christ. Three times a week, you have been listening to the same person for years, but your inner being is not improving at all. Stop listening to this person and try to listen to yourself.

Every man is born good; it is what you feed yourself with -- what you listen to -- that transforms your being; "life and death are in the power of the tongue." This is what must be preached, that is to say, love, wisdom, and truth, to bring humans to perfection for the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth—the 3rd Gospel, the one of the truth—that of love, not the religion of tithes and offerings.

If love is something you receive and give for free, how much did you pay to come to earth? Life is a free gift to manifest divine love on earth.

Therefore, the purpose of existence is to be able to do what the Scriptures say: "We were created in the image and likeness of God." If we all aspire to be better, don't you think the world will be wonderful? Let us therefore aspire to become like God; let us seek to tend towards perfection. No one will harm others; the earth will become a paradise; the kingdom of heaven will be established on earth; and death will be overcome. We will live happily ever after; that is what religions promise. It is within our reach; let's try to love each other.

We must decide to work every day to improve our beings in order to become the best version of ourselves. It will only do us good; we will be happier, which will make others happy, and the world will be a paradise.

Marius C. Oula


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