
Showing posts from April, 2022

Money and Envy

The source of money is envy; envy is the source of evil. Remember in the Bible, in the book of Ezekiel 28, it says: "It is when Lucifer starts being envious of the glory of God that he attempts a coup d'etat, to be like God." God has created the universe, the earth, and man, his plan was to put at the disposal of human beings everything they need to live happily on earth. If you want food, there are vegetables and animals; you just have to harvest or hunt (this is work; yes, you must work to get what you want); if you want to build a house, you have all the materials required; if you are thirsty, there is water (rivers, lakes, etc.); if you want to dress, you can use animal skins. We can then use the latter to understand where money comes from and why it comes from envy first, before going to the barter system (which is the known reason for the appearance of money).  In our example, we consider the first human beings living with their clans; they used animal skin as cloth