Is it the World War 3?

We are really sorry for the people of Ukraine. We think it's better to be alive and under the rule of the strong (Putin) than to get killed to stay under the rule of the weak (the European Union). If you do not believe me, dear Ukrainian friends, the example of President Laurent Gbagbo, the former President of the Ivory Coast, is there to attest to my words: France ordered him to leave power; he said no; he was bombarded, arrested, and imprisoned; then released because he was recognized as not guilty (after spending 7 years in prison). 

The strongest and most reckless always wins when it comes to war, Putin is the strongest with the support of China. This is why we call on the Ukrainian people to capitulate, to encourage their president to enter into an immediate dialogue with President Putin.

Avoid chaos, which moreover began with the distribution of arms to the population under the pretext of resisting the Russian invasion; here is the endless war, a Syrian scenario that begins in Ukraine. Dear Ukrainians, to prevent your country from becoming a field of experimentation and the dusting off of weapons, you must renounce resistance; otherwise, you will suffer and your president will be in exile in France or elsewhere in Europe with his children and relatives around him. You, meanwhile, will bury your loved ones and regret not having abdicated. 

If the United States and Europe are not happy, well, they know where Russia is. 

Dear Ukrainian friends, avoid that your territory becomes a battlefield by proxy. This is the case in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting by proxy. We see the damage and the humanitarian crisis that reigns there! This is the very near future of Ukraine: chaos! 

Ukraine is weak, that's why it defers to the west; Russia is strong, that's why it invaded you; as we in Africa are weak, that's why we were colonized; this is how the relationship amongst nations was simplified for centuries. President George Bush Sr. said, "We are in the law of the jungle, where the strong dominate the weak." Because the stronger dominates the weaker, if you are weak, you have to have a strong ally to be protected (no one can touch Israel thanks to their alliance with the USA). Today we no longer speak of the Cold War with two different economic and political systems; everyone is capitalist, even China. So, what is the problem with not accepting the dominion of Russia instead of the west? Ukraine will not marry any new doctrine; it will just be a change of master with whom you have the same cultural origins. Your brother next door, from the same region as you, has become very strong, but you want to ally yourself with his enemies, who are weaker than him, which involves the great risk of the destruction of your country. This alone reveals the lack of common sense of the Ukrainian government to want to move away from Moscow to get closer to the West. With this stupidity, the Ukrainian government now encourages its people to take up arms to be massacred.

Dialogue is the weapon of the strong; even if you wage war, ending this war will require dialogue. Therefore, sit down with the Kremlin and discuss.

Unfortunately, as in any tragedy, fate is cruel. Inexorably, this third world war might happen; we are very close to it.

The conflict in Ukraine challenges us all because it has all the ingredients for World War 3. To stop the war, it depends on Ukraine and Europe. Because Russia has already attacked, peace will not come from Moscow if and only if there is a capitulation of the Ukrainian government or a change of regime in Ukraine (a coup can be beneficial to avoid unnecessary Ukrainian deaths). Also, the European Union must not do anything to bring peace, as it does for regime changes orchestrated by the West in Africa. 

This time around, the EU attitude won't qualify as cowardice but as wisdom. If this is done, peace will be established in Ukraine, which is now under Russian dominion. We will therefore be able to pass on a new variant of COVID-19 to entertain the news.

Marius C. Oula


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