Why afrocentrism?

One of the immediate paths to decolonization for Africa is Afrocentrism because Pan-Africanism has failed. How do anti-colonialists hope to get out of colonization if from elementary school to university we cannot teach all subjects in African languages? Therefore, the best approach would be to keep the gains of colonization but to return to our African consciousness based on the knowledge and recognition of the history of Africa, which is Afrocentrism. 

The pan-Africanist project of anti-colonialism can be a long-term project whose success would be improbable and tortuous given the challenge of teaching all modern sciences in African languages; moreover, which language to choose? If I take the example of my country, Côte d'Ivoire, where we have more than 63 ethnic groups, agreeing on one official language will take decades, and we must also take into account the conflicts this will generate. The French language appeared in the 14th century and comes from Latin, which is no longer spoken, let's say, very little, as well as English, which only appeared in the 12th century, unlike Hebrew, which dates from 1200 years before Jesus Christ; these languages have therefore not existed since the origin of mankind.

The history of the Tower of Babel shows us that we must accept our state as colonized people and continue our path towards decolonization with the adoption of the language that we all speak because it allows us to understand each other; being emotional about it won't change anything. In Africa, we mainly speak either French or English, which gives us a basis for mutual understanding without denigrating or abolishing our local languages (which can be part of the long-term project). The main advantage is that we can understand each other and talk to one another. Language does not reflect culture; it is a means of expressing our thoughts.

Hoping for decolonization is not an act of war but a natural aspiration for freedom. We must express our gratitude to France, which set an example by liberating itself from Nazi Germany, as without freedom no one can aspire to development and happiness.

Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity


Marius C. Oula


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