The Ancestors

Yesterday, with my brother, we were talking about ancestors and those who worship their ancestors. I asked myself the following question: Why offer a sacrifice or perform a ritual to your ancestors? Some say it is to honor them; others say it is for blessing and protection, as the ancestor in Africa is considered a protective angel.

To give thanks to the ancestors, sacrifices are offered to them; these sacrifices require money to be made. My question is to those who don't have financial means and yet worship their ancestors, hoping for financial blessing: why do so? Paris Hilton's ancestors left her millions of US dollars, and Rockefeller as an ancestor left billions of dollars to generations and generations of Rockefeller; so, if it is for the money, do not worship your ancestors who left you nothing as financial inheritance, but you must respect your ancestors, honor them, because they are your lineage and they did their best. 

You can become an ancestor like Rockefeller, Carnegie, Patrice Lumumba, Omraam Mikhael Ivanohv, etc. for your generations to come. It depends on the kind of inheritance you want to leave to your children, who in turn will pass it on to their children and so on and so forth. All worship is good; here is to remember that we are ancestors to become and that we have a duty to leave a spiritual, moral, cultural, and financial heritage to our generations to deserve their worship. A new work must be better than the old one; any new creation must be better than the old one. We have the opportunity to correct our imperfections, which is why some parents want their children to succeed in such and such a field or exercise such a career.

We are creators, and our children are a new creation, our extension, which is why we do everything as parents for the happiness and success of our children. You die, leaving your children in want, in problems, in a difficult life, despite the fact that they must worship you! The ancestor who left them in hunger, poverty, and suffering We have a duty as parents to ensure our children become better people than us, without the financial obstacles we have faced depriving them of their needs. When you don't have, you are on the negative side; you owe; you are in debt. We do not leave our debts to our children as an inheritance; we leave them spiritual, moral, cultural, and financial assets.

Let us be great ancestors, leaving a legacy to our future generations like the Egypt of the Pharons, and offering our children to the world as craftsmen for its transformation into an Eden like in the beginning. Here is the generation of titans who will come from you—these great men and great women who will bring happiness to earth. 

In South Africa, in Capetown, there are statues of their heroes because the Afrikaans conquered a territory that they left to their offspring. This is why in Rome, there is a statue of Julius Caesar, and we see statues of Boudha. It all depends on which ancestor you want to be; you must leave a "legacy," a spiritual, moral, cultural, and financial legacy to your future generations.
• The spiritual heritage allows them to overcome any obstacle and succeed in all their endeavors.
• The moral heritage will make them good people, full of wisdom, and one who can be exemplified by a good reputation.
• The cultural heritage will give them knowledge of who they are and where they come from, so they will be like trees well rooted on the banks of the river of knowledge. Knowledge from our cultures is very rich because humanity has amassed billions of years of experience; therefore, our cultures are full of immense knowledge.
• The financial inheritance will allow your children to be more successful by focusing on growing the work you have left instead of wasting time rebuilding or starting some. With money, life is easier, and you have the opportunity to grow what you have. Financial inheritance gives your children the funding for all of their investments, and we have proof that young athletes, artists, and tycoons who are billionaires can be good examples for society.

We must leave a legacy for our future generations to deserve their worship and honor; let us be those ancestors who left a great name, respected, to our children. The value of a man is not money; otherwise, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, etc. would have been billionaires; it is your contribution to mankind and its improvement that gives you value in front of God. All our actions must contribute to the well-being of humanity. The generations to come will do even better because we have paved the way and made available to them the materials for the construction of our dream world.


Marius C. Oula


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