
We do not pay much attention to it, but perception determines all our actions; it is the way in which we perceive things according to our understanding that induces our actions.
Perception is the act of perceiving with the sense organs; it is an idea, a more or less clear understanding of something. Perception involves recognizing environmental stimuli and acting on them.

Our perception of life and others causes us to act in a certain way, to be in accordance with what society has set as the norm (otherwise, you are an outlaw). This leads us to act according to the eyes of others (which is normal since we live in society), and as the saying goes, "to be well seen in society," we want to be a model for society (I mean a human being with great aspirations for his life). It is therefore this standard, established through rules for the social well-being of the individual, that guides our actions, such as the need to educate your child, to get married, to live in an upmarket neighborhood, to buy the latest car, etc. These rules set by society make us act in accordance with the law and others; the law will not condemn you if you do not say hello to your neighbor, but to human decorum, and to your neighbor, it is condemning.

The law was created to govern life in society; also, the rules of life resulting from our cultures and our social and school education are the two parameters that govern our behavior in society. By respecting the law and social rules, we are well regarded in society; we become a role model, which is established as the norm, giving us the perception of how to live with others. Because we are humans, the interdependence and interaction of individuals constitute our life on earth. In terms of perception, Francophones give each other three kisses when they meet, while Anglophones "hug each other." But, with social distancing, the greeting is done with the elbow. With a change in attitude due to events and the resulting environment, we no longer perceive things the same; we act differently; the law reinforces this state; and social rules conform to it.

We see that our perception of the law and social rules condition our actions; the law does not prohibit you from cheating on your wife, but the social rules do. Yes, if they are against polygamy, cheating can also be a disposition for a divorce, which is prescribed by law. So, what is defined by society as rules and laws is the standard that governs our actions. If your perception of life is to go to school, get a degree, and work, you will act on it. Human beings in prehistoric times acted differently from us because they were subject to laws and social rules different from ours. Perception is therefore a key element of our actions on earth when the human being has not yet reached the level of consciousness where the law and social rules no longer exist (at the divine level, the notion of good and evil does not exist). The notion of good and evil only applies to human beings living on earth; does it not say in the Bible that "the law has manifested sin" on earth? Therefore, our perception of good and evil guides our steps.

We therefore become products of our society due to our environment, the country where we live, and our beliefs. What society wants us to understand is what we understand; our notion of right and wrong has been eroded by society, and this is what we perceive as a way of life.

Heads of states who lie in public, in front of thousands of people, contradicting themselves again with bigger, more blatant lies, do not offend the majority. Why do we still see them as our leaders, worthy to lead us? Because of our perception of the world, this is why injustices will not end. We perceive our leaders as good people, but the state of the world shows us the opposite. A billionaire or priest pedophile is tolerated in society, although we are all parents. This is why it is important to awaken the consciousness, to get out of the reality served to us, to see that it is illusory, thus see the good and the evil in terms of polarity. When you no longer perceive the world as society offers it to you, you will be called a conspirator, the one who goes against the rules and laws, whose application is directed by people of little scruples (our current leaders). People who act differently from you, are not your enemies, they have their own perceptions of things that are different from yours, which is why the law and social rules have been established to define our actions as good and bad.

What is good and what is evil? It depends on your perception of the concept of right and wrong.

Stealing, killing, lying, etc. are all bad, but how do we define colonization, apartheid, and American hegemony with its oil wars? Well, they steal, kill, and lie; no world leader of developed countries is in prison, despite palpable examples, like the war in Iraq, the war in Libya, the conflict in Congo, and the conflict in Africa, whose resources were plundered for ages without moving anyone (Europeans or Africans), because the lives and freedoms of other peoples are not considered important. The world today, serves us the notions of underdeveloped countries providing raw resources, and developed countries as users of resources to justify injustices with impunity.

We must get out of our current reality (illusion) to perceive the world by rising higher in consciousness. As the perception of good and evil erodes on earth, the guilty are free, and the innocent is in prison. Telling the truth is false; "whistleblowers" like Assange, and Snowden are pursued and hunted down. A people like Palestine are being massacred, because they are on the land Yaweh gave as an inheritance to his children!

That's a question of paradigm, when it changes, our perception of things too. A paradigm shift equals a change in perception. I see things differently, from a different perspective, with a different view. As my economics professor said, "If you believe and accept that in the beginning God created heaven and the earth, then Adam and Eve, whatever comes from the Bible will be the word of God for you."

Marius C. Oula


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