Let's look at ancient Egypt.

For the monotheists, we are dealing with a "God Creator," but for the ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids, we are dealing with a "God Progenitor," a "Begottor." The Egyptian conception of God as "Progenitor" joins the testimony of God towards Jesus Christ in the Bible, when the heavens opened and God said: "He is my son; I begat him." This truth stipulates that, we are begotten by the creator and not created, which is attested by the coming of the greatest spirit manifested on earth, the spirit of Christ, we see the process of our origin, which is: we come from God, like Christ, and we were begotten.

This notion of God as "creator" will make you accept a God who chastises, who takes revenge, who is jealous; but no, we are not creatures of God; we are children of God; we are made in God's image and likeness. If however you accept the image that God is our Creator, obviously we will do as God, as we are in God's image and likeness, then we will kill, chastise, be jealous, and then repent. It is the result of accepting the notion of God as "Creator" that leads humans to a slave mentality, being servants in your own father's house while we are "the children of the house," as the Apostle Paul said, We are not God's creatures; we are sons and daughters coming from God; God begat us; this is what the spirituality of the Egyptians can teach us. 

The civilization of ancient Egypt dominated the earth for more than 3000 years; this civilization inspired the civilization of ancient Greece, which in turn influenced the Roman civilization, from which the Catholic Church was born, and from which Protestants and then evangelicals came. Monotheistic religions take us away from a truth within our reach: "you are gods," as the Bible says: "you are gods, why will you die like men?" You can create whatever you want; you are a creator; you come from the source; you are a divinity! You have all the tools you need to realize your vision; no one can help you except yourself, when you decide to accomplish this major work of love that has been sealed in your spirit, from the beginning. Free yourself from all that is contrary to love, and your divinity will be manifested. Since Jesus Christ said: "I and the Father are one," we are the same, "I am" in God's image and likeness, "I am God," it is "I am" in the Bible, and "Before Abraham was, I am." Here is the gigantic work of love that we have come to accomplish on earth, which is to become "I am," like God, our father, the God of love, the one from whom we came, who engendered us, whose firstborn is Christ (the spirit), the firstborn of a multitude of brothers and sisters.

The notions of God as "Creator", and of God as "Progenitor" or "Begottor" have to be dissociated, to bring us closer to the source, and reveal the truths that are beyond the ancient Egyptian civilization. These truths have always been imprinted in our being, like a seed that contains the tree and its fruits, which will produce the same seed.

We know that everything created in the material and physical world emanates from the spiritual world; therefore, the spirituality, knowledge, and wisdom of the ancient Egyptians must then challenge us, because they ruled the earth for more than 3000 years (the United States is barely 100 years of domination). The vestiges of this ancient Egyptian civilization are still present, to attest the veracity of its greatness; it is not a fable.


Marius C. Oula


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